T-Mobile High Speed Home Internet



My Role

Sr UX Designer

Tools Used



Jan 2022 - Oct 2022


The goal of this project was to create a guided purchase flow for both prospective and existing customers. My involvement was primarily on the existing customer (authenticated) journey, and I provided support for the prospective customer journey along the way.

The purchase journey begins with a service eligibility check that routes customers to the appropriate plan page depending on their location, or to a waitlist. A data estimation tool was created to help customers select the right size data plan for their needs.

Finally, a streamlined checkout flow for authenticated customers leverages pre-existing customer information and stored payment methods to create a frictionless checkout experience.

Unlimited Plan Page

UX Research

We collaborated with the UX Research team to usability test different variations of the checkout process. We explored a multi-step checkout flow that displayed individual pages for the cart, checkout page, review and confirmation. We also tested a single-page checkout flow that explored different treatments to the cart (such as a collapsed view or an inline view) and removed the review step altogether.

Once we had gathered our initial findings from our first round of testing, we tweaked our designs based on user feedback, and retested our designs, pitting our two winning designs against one another. The results were largely positive for both iterations, and we had two versions that we could implement for different lines of business, and AB test in production.

Single-page & Multi-page Checkout

High-level Purchase Flow

Launch & Outcomes

This version of the purchase flow was planned to launch in early 2023. The usability testing performed as part of this release will go on to inform the purchase experience across various lines of business that have different needs, depending on their offering.

The design continues to evolve based on product testing and business requirements.