Bow Wow
Self Directed
My Role
UX Research/Design
Tools Used
Illustrator, Indesign, Sketch, Principle
Sep 2015 – Apr 2017
A self-directed app project, designed to connect pet owners with their pet’s health and well-being. Owners could establish healthy habits by setting fitness and obedience goals to ensure the best quality of life for their best buddy.
Our Approach
We set out to dog parks and pet stores connecting with prospective users to better understand the challenges pet owners face. Two user groups began to emerge: first-time puppy owners and owners whose pet’s health required more attention due to age or allergies.
Bow Wow Personas
After the research component, we created personas based on the findings. These personas communicate owner’s frustrations, fears and goals surrounding their pet’s health and well-being.
Journey Map
Then we created a journey map of our user’s relationship with the app over time. It includes touch points and the channels where interactions are taking place. It serves as a visualization of the process, addressing customer needs and pain points.
Journey Map
Low Fidelity Wireframes
Wireframes were the next step in the design process. We began wireframing the UI to illustrate how the app would look and behave. This stage brought in more specific details regarding organization and functionality. Below are the key areas of the app: dog profiles, activity tracking, reminders and the park/trail finder.
High Fidelity Mockups
The high fidelity mockups expanded on the low fidelity version to create a more polished visual design. The interface is clean and uncluttered, with dominant blue hues punctuated by magenta. Drop shadows are used sparingly on the app bar, nav bar and card UI elements to create depth, evoking a material design feel.
Bow Wow Wireframes
Learning Outcomes
Conducting generative research was one of the more challenging and rewarding experiences of the project. With a little bravery and a lot of coffee we learned that dog owners are happy to share their experiences, frustrations, concerns and goals as it pertains to their fury friends. With a few questions and a lot of listening, concerns began to reveal themselves, as did the differences between the people we spoke with.